The other day I had the need to create a nested structure based off of a key using dot notation.
Below is the function I came up with:
private struct function convertStringToStruct(required string key, required any value, string delimiter = ".") {
var obj = StructNew();
var first = ListFirst(arguments.key, arguments.delimiter);
var rest = ListRest(arguments.key, arguments.delimiter);
if (Len(rest)) {
obj[first] = convertStringToStruct(rest, arguments.value, arguments.delimiter);
} else {
obj[first] = arguments.value;
return obj;
Here's a quick example usage:
// Declare a struct. We will later append to this
obj = StructNew();
// Create a few top level keys
obj["ab"] = "foo";
obj["b"] = "bar";
// Append a dynamically created structure
StructAppend(obj, convertStringToStruct("a.b.c", "baz"), false);
// Show our output
The output from the above example:
Here is a gist containing the code: