
  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that was ignoring certain .aif/.aiff files.

  • BUGFIX: Fixed a CPU Memory Leak that occured when using the "Remove All Samples" Fuction. Previously, I was only freeing CPU memory when using the "Remove Currently Selected Sample" or "Remove All Samples Not Used In A Pattern" Fuctions. This could slow down your system (only while the program was running) if you repeatedly used the "Remove All Samples" Fuction in a session.

  • BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that was not displaying the STEREO Sample Names in the Pattern Organizer.

  • BUGFIX: Fixed another bug that was not always storing "SLICE" samples correctly. Search the forums for more info about this bug.

  • Changed the name of the "Pattern Organizer" to "Pattern Editor".

  • Changed the name of the "Song Organizer" to "Song Editor".

  • The Song Editor works now.

  • Added Minimize/Maximize Buttons to the Pattern Editor and the Song Editor.

Tagged with: ElectribeESX-1KorgProjectsUpdate