BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that was ignoring certain .aif/.aiff files.
BUGFIX: Fixed a CPU Memory Leak that occured when using the "Remove All Samples" Fuction. Previously, I was only freeing CPU memory when using the "Remove Currently Selected Sample" or "Remove All Samples Not Used In A Pattern" Fuctions. This could slow down your system (only while the program was running) if you repeatedly used the "Remove All Samples" Fuction in a session.
BUGFIX: Fixed a bug that was not displaying the STEREO Sample Names in the Pattern Organizer.
BUGFIX: Fixed another bug that was not always storing "SLICE" samples correctly. Search the forums for more info about this bug.
Changed the name of the "Pattern Organizer" to "Pattern Editor".
Changed the name of the "Song Organizer" to "Song Editor".
The Song Editor works now.
Added Minimize/Maximize Buttons to the Pattern Editor and the Song Editor.