mesh - MongoDB Extended Shell
mesh (MongoDB Extended Shell) is a javascript file that extends the mongo shell. It includes some useful libraries, as well as new functions for dealing with Mongo collections and queries.
Download: mesh.js
Option 1
Add this script to your .mongorc.js file.
Example .mongorc.js:
Option 2
Start the shell after executing this script
mongo --shell mesh.js
What's Included?
underscore.js - Underscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides support for the usual functional suspects (each, map, reduce, filter...) without extending any core JavaScript objects.
underscore.string.js - Javascript lacks complete string manipulation operations. This an attempt to fill that gap.
moment.js - A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
science.js - Scientific and statistical computing in JavaScript.
distinct2() - Similar to the built-in distinct() function, but with more capabilities.
distinctTypes() - Similar to the db.myCollection.distinct() function, distinctTypes() will return "types" rather than "values".
flatten() - The flatten() function is a mapReduce that flattens documents into key/value pairs.
schema() - A schema analysis tool for MongoDB.
wild() - Adds a wildcard search to the mongodb shell.
A console wrapper so calls like console.log() and console.dir() don't error out
mesh.setPrompt(): a way to configure your prompt. Can set a default in mesh.config.js
mesh.keys(): will return all the "global" properties as a sorted array.
JSON-js - JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse()
mesh.oid() - a wrapper for ObjectId()
mesh.tid() - a wrapper for creating ObjectId values based on a timestamp
a few underscore.js mixins
DBCollection.insertArray() - insert an array of objects into a collection
mesh.idrange.js - search collections for documents with ids created between 2 datetimes
mesh.sizeinfo.js - reports the count/sum/avg/max/min of all bson sizes for the given query/collection.
You can configure mesh by calling mesh.config(settings). The benefit of keeping a config file, is that you won't lose your default settings when updating mesh. Currently, there are 2 config values: defaultPrompt and aliases.
You can create a file "mesh.config.js". It might look like:
defaultPrompt : 4, // 0-4 or a string
aliases : { // can pass in a map of aliases.
't' : 'mesh.tid', // t() is an alias for mesh.tid()
'o' : 'ObjectId', // o() is an alias for ObjectId()
'm' : 'mesh' // m is an alias for mesh
Now, when starting the shell, you can pass in the mesh.config.js file along with your mesh.js file like:
mongo --shell mesh.js mesh.config.js
Or if you are using .mongorc.js:
coming soon
For Developers
Getting The Code
git clone git://
cd mesh
git submodule update --init --recursive
Updating submodule sources
git submodule foreach git pull
Building mesh.js
npm install
Version History
v1.5.0 - Released September 25, 2013
- using grunt.js as the build system
- adding mesh.idrange.js - search collections for documents with ids created between 2 datetimes
- adding mesh.sizeinfo.js - reports the count/sum/avg/max/min of all bson sizes for the given query/collection.
- updating the following libraries: JSON-js, moment, underscore.js, underscore.string.js
v1.4.3 - Released March 7, 2013
- adding mesh.ops which prints all operations.
- no longer printing version when tabbing.
- updating the following libraries: JSON-js, moment, distinct2(), schema(), and underscore.js
v1.4.2 - Released February 7, 2013
- updating the following libraries: moment, science.js, underscore.js, and underscore.string.js
v1.4.1 - Released December 10, 2012
- adding DBCollection.insertArray()
- adding JSON-js - json2.js and cycle.js
- updating distinct2(), underscore.js, and moment.js
v1.4.0 - Released December 9, 2012
- updating distinct2()
- adding some underscore.js mixins
v1.3.1 - Released November 15, 2012
- adding mesh.setAliases()
- removing globalTid and globalOid from mesh.config in favor of using 'aliases'.
- mesh.tid() now accepts an optional "increment" argument
- reload mesh each time load('mesh.js') is called
- fixing build process (version and date replaced)
- fixing bug w/ how hostname is determined in prompt
- removing moment() / window hack
v1.3.0 - Released November 13, 2012
- updating libraries: moment.js, distinct2(), underscore.js, and underscore.string.js
- adding mesh.oid() - a wrapper for ObjectId()
- adding mesh.tid() - a wrapper for creating ObjectId values based on a timestamp
- config values to change mesh.tid() to t() or mesh.oid() to o()
v1.2.4 - Released October 22, 2012
- updating libraries: flatten() and underscore.js
v1.2.3 - Released October 21, 2012
- updating libraries: flatten()
v1.2.2 - Released October 20, 2012
- updating libraries: flatten(), underscore.js, and underscore.string.js
v1.2.1 - Released October 7, 2012
- updating libraries: moment.js, distinct2(), and underscore.js
- json2.js is now included due to the distinct2() upgrade
v1.2.0 - Released September 24, 2012
- mesh.setPrompt() is now mesh.prompt()
- updating libraries
- adding mesh.time() which displays function execution times
v1.1.4 - Released August 20, 2012
- removing Sugar (rely on underscore.js instead)
- updating submodules
v1.1.3 - Released August 16, 2012
- adding science.js
v1.1.2 - Released August 16, 2012
- Mix in non-conflicting string functions to the Underscore namespace
- adding Sugar
- using minified version of moment.js
v1.1.1 - Released August 16, 2012
- Updating submodules
- Updating with "What's Included?" descriptions
- Updating with "For Deveopers" section
- Small fix to distinct2.js
v1.1.0 - Released August 15, 2012
- Adding distinct2.js
- implementing mesh.toString() so the console prints help info
v1.0.0 - Released July 17, 2012
- Initial Release